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What do I need to come to a Pilates class?

An exercise mat, a theraband and a cushion ( off the sofa will do ) and the rest I will provide.

Can I be a happy hacker or low level competitor and come to the classes?

Yes, these classes are for everyone at all levels and disciplines as you are all sitting in the

Can I do Pilates if I have had an injury?

Depending on the injury and that a physio/rehabilitation specialist or doctor have said its safe
to exercise then yes.

Will Pilates get me strong as well as flexible/supple?

Most definitely, in Pilates we get in to those tiny muscles that help stabilise you in and out of
the saddle, which in turn allows you to be more aware of your body and lets you work on
flexibility because you will feel more secure in your body.

Will Pilates cure aches and pains?

There is no hard evidence to say yes and it will never come back again, but there is proof
that the more you can move your body in a efficient way and become more aware of your
body it will keep you physically healthier.

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